Friday 2 September 2011

Fashion Blog Photos: Day 1

So I've been away for the past month or so, and unable to post pictures. But I've been taking a lot while I'm away! I haven't gotten permission from all my photo subjects, so I can't post my August photos yet, but I took these yesterday for a fashion blog that I'm the photographer for. It's not yet set up, but it's about to be! It's called Angels and Lace (which I'll add a link to soon), and the photos are mostly based on the clothes, not the person. So if you see the face out of focus, that was intentional. I'm just playing around with that sort of thing. I'm not really an awesome fashion photographer... yet. Hopefully. Anyways, the pictures are kind of grainy, which was semi-intentional because there wasn't much light at the time of day that I shot them. Hope you like (:

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