Wednesday 20 July 2011

This Photographer is Kind of Amazing

So, today I believe I'm having a fashion shoot avec mes sœurs (for those of you who don't know French, "my sisters"). I was looking at Digital Photography School - awesome website, by the way - for fashion photography tips, when I came across an article called 7 Tips from Professional Fashion Photographer Adriana Curcio. As I read the article, which I found very helpful having never done a fashion shoot before (so excited!), I clicked on the link to her website, and I think I fell in love. With the photos. Not Adriana Curcio... But anyways, I recommend you go to her website now. Like, right now. Well, no. After you read this post. I've noticed that she has AWESOME what I'm going to assume are macro shots of lips and eyes. I really really really really love the lips photos. In fact, when I get my macro lens (I know, sad, I don't have one yet) I shall do that. I shall pay homage to the wonderful Adriana Curcio. Anyways, here is the link to the website: CLICK HERE NOW TO SEE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS. Thoughts on her photography? Any pictures you really like slash really don't like (like there will be any)? Comment!

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