Wednesday 20 July 2011

This Photographer is Kind of Amazing

So, today I believe I'm having a fashion shoot avec mes sœurs (for those of you who don't know French, "my sisters"). I was looking at Digital Photography School - awesome website, by the way - for fashion photography tips, when I came across an article called 7 Tips from Professional Fashion Photographer Adriana Curcio. As I read the article, which I found very helpful having never done a fashion shoot before (so excited!), I clicked on the link to her website, and I think I fell in love. With the photos. Not Adriana Curcio... But anyways, I recommend you go to her website now. Like, right now. Well, no. After you read this post. I've noticed that she has AWESOME what I'm going to assume are macro shots of lips and eyes. I really really really really love the lips photos. In fact, when I get my macro lens (I know, sad, I don't have one yet) I shall do that. I shall pay homage to the wonderful Adriana Curcio. Anyways, here is the link to the website: CLICK HERE NOW TO SEE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS. Thoughts on her photography? Any pictures you really like slash really don't like (like there will be any)? Comment!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Fun with (finally) Photoshop

So if you read my last post, you'd know that I finally have gotten Photoshop (I had it before but now I have I have a new laptop and so I needed to get it back...) and I have been editing photos with it like CRAZY. Anyways, here are the photos I finished working on that I am quite pleased with.Photo of Emma that I believe I've already posted. Re-edited, of course. I got to dodge and burn a ton on the eyes. I'm not ashamed, I have an affinity over-intense eyes. I used to think it was tacky until I saw it an in ad and I was like, "Um. That's ridiculous" - in a good way.
I actually like how Blogger has made this one more undersaturated (ugh, sorry, I'm just - usually - so irritated by that flaw). As you can tell, the "brightness/contrast" tool is kind of my best friend. Except for dodge and burn, because any good photographer knows that eyes are key in a portrait. Anyways, I'm a huge fan of side lighting that only lights up half the face.
I'm crazy in love (well, that's a major overstatement. I actually don't find this photo particularly impressive. Not the modeling, I mean, but the composition. Maybe? Hmm. But what I mean to say is I'm not actually in love with this photo. Okay. Let's stop rambling here) with the eye-colour-matching-background-colour. Sort of reminiscent of Steve McCurry's Afghan Girl. You know, minus the mindblowing genius of it.So, for some reason my text is bold, blue, and underlined? Hmm. Ignore that. Blogger's acting up again. Remind me to scold it. Oh, um, wow, I sounded sane there. Okay. That's besides the point. Back to the photo: Hey there evil witch lady! I decided to go for a less eye-pleasing effect, a.k.a having a not-so-warm photo. Anyways, I desaturated the skin and turned up the vibrancy in the eyes! Sidenote: if the verb for saturation is to saturate, would the verb for vibrancy be to vibrate...? Nerdy thought. Anyways, this photo leads to me to believe that perhaps Blogger has improved their saturation issues; the photo was almost black and white, but somehow it doesn't seem to have changed?? Crossing my fingers that it continues like this...


So. This is kind of momentous. I finally got Photoshop on my new laptop. I mean, it's a trial, but I've been barely getting by without it (by the way, for those of you who either don't understand Photoshop or can't afford it, I recommend Aperture, which is from Apple. If you're in the latter of the two situations, Aperture definitely doesn't live up to Photoshop - what does? - but it's the equivalent of Camera Raw, plus a few brushes like dodge, burn, blur, sharpen, etc.). So I'll probably upload more photos from the caveperson/deadface, since I have so much more editing freedom. I might be too excited about this. That's irrelevant. Anyways, just wanted to notify/warn you that you will probably see more photos from the same photo shoot. It's not because that's the only photo shoot I've ever had. Anyways, happy shooting!

Friday 15 July 2011

Picnic in the Park

So the other day I went on a picnic with my friends in a field by the beach... photo op, anyone? Let's hope saturation is better this time... It's not.

Saturation... Grr.

So, if you saw what I wrote under my last post, Blogger has issues with uploading photos as I've edited them. All my photos are undersaturated when I upload them here, so just for future reference, if you think a photo is undersaturated, blame Blogger. Not me. Maybe someday you'll learn to work properly?

"Deadface" Portraits: Angie, Chloe, and Emma

Silhouette of Chloe

Chloe (unedited photo)


Angie. So dull... Blogger! Learn to work! You have issues with saturation!

Angie. See, this photo was originally only semi-black and white but Blogger likes to not work properly...




Headshot of Emma
Headshot of Chloe

On July 12, my little models (Angie, Chloe, and Emma) and I had a photoshoot. It was my first actual organized photo shoot this summer, with makeup, hair, and styling. Sadly, all the photos seem to be undersaturated when I upload them... I think it's a Blogger thing. On my other blog (DSLArt. You should check it out), which I share with a friend, this happens too... So ignore the fact that the photos look somewhat dull. My apologies! Perhaps I shall oversaturate them next time to see what happens...? Credit to Chloe for makeup, credit to Angie for styling, and credit to Emma for hair.